The Pedigree
Blackout Investigation and Security Services is celebrating twelve years in the security business, and was established in 2006 by retired Maryland State Police First Sergeant Guy N Black. Blackout has quickly gained the reputation as one of the top security companies in the state of Maryland providing honest hardworking professionals that are a cut above the other companies. Quality employee’s always make the difference. That is why we guarantee our officers look like professionals first. Every employee working for Blackout has been selected after a strict selection process.
Blackout has a proven reputation of reducing losses through theft and damage of business and personal assets. Blackout has a long list of satisfied customers past and present that will readily attest to this fact. One of our biggest clients to date that we provided both armed and unarmed guard service for is Whiting and Turner construction at the new MGM Casino at National Harbor. At that location we used 30 different guards per day working around the clock 24/7. Another one of our significant clients that we provide armed guards for is Levy Restaurants at the new Washington Nationals Baseball stadium in Washington DC and Fed Ex Stadium in Landover, MD. We are responsible for collecting and securing over one million dollars (1,000,000.00) in cash on any given game day. We are also the preffered vendor for the National Harbor.
Blackout is a registered M.B.E. Minority Business Enterprise as well as a D.B.E. Disadvantage Business Enterprise company with the state of Maryland (11-049). Blackout is a certified Veteran owned company (VOSB) with the Veteran Administration. Blackout's DUNN's number is 002245813.


Mr. Black a former member of the United States Marine Corps where he served as a Military Police Officer. After a number of years as a security officer, began his career as a Maryland State Trooper where he rose to the rank of Assistant Barrack Commander.
His many years of experience as a Marine and a Trooper set the foundation for the manner and style he has built Blackout Investigations and Security Services. Strong core values, discipline and outstanding leadership are the principles that make up Blackout.
Mr. Black has amassed an impressive resume with the many supervisory position he has held such as, Associate Academy Instructor, Training Coordinator, Tactical Platoon Leader, Criminal Investigator Coordinator, Counter-Terrorism, Police Selection Committee, Crisis Management, Special Events Coordinator, Promotional Assessment, and more.

A retired Police Officer with 25 years of Law Enforcement Experience. Robert started his career as a Police Officer in 1988 with the Montgomery County Police Department before moving over to the Prince Georges County Police Department where he was assigned to Special Operations Division as a SWAT team member before his retirement in 2007.
During Roberts career as a county officer he acquired a variety of experiences as the supervisor in charge of security for the County Administrative Building. He supervised over 30 civilian and sworn police officers. He developed expertise in CCTV's, X-Ray and Metal Detectors, Alarms, Bomb Training, Emergency Building Evacuation, and Crowd Control.

Darryl has over 20 years of Law Enforcement/Public safety experience. He is a former member of the United States Marine Corps. During his career with the Maryland State Police he was assigned to the police academy as the lead instructor, responsible for training what many consider the best police officers in the state of Maryland.
Darryl is a graduate of the University of Maryland at College Park. He has a BA Degree in Criminology.
After retiring from the state police in 2000 he was hired by the District of Columbia Protective Services Police Department as a Captain responsible for Patrol Operations. He was promoted up the ranks to the Deputy Chief of Police, responsible for more than 50 sworn and civilian personnel.
In 2008 Darryl agreed to become the Director of Public Safety for the District of Columbia Public Library. In this position, he served as the Chief, responsible for 25 sworn and civilian personnel.
The Team
Dedicated and Determined

The management and supervisors of Blackout Investigations and Security Services, Inc. are committed to supplying quality service and excellent leadership in response to our client’s needs. We understand that quality leadership comes from quality customer service, so we endeavor to listen to the desires and concerns of our clients as well as strategize to develop and implement the best security plans for each situation. We take pride in servicing you with the upmost care and skill. Let us handle your next security project; contact us today!